Peter Freitag, Annemarie Laber, Alexander Steffen, Ilse Tauchert (†)

readerslounge: sunday, 16. November, 14:00 – 16:00
closing party: saturday, 22. November from 18:00
Ilse Tauchert had lived from 1934 to 2014 at Potsdamer Strasse 98. After she passed away in April 2014 the idea was born to use her apartment as an exhibition space. Since then private gallery shows her paintings together with works from other Berlin based artists. Ilse Tauchert's oilpaintings of animals and landscapes were all made in the 70ties and 80ties. Her works received first attention due to private gallery. Her estate includes more than 30 works.
The exhibition TIME ISN'T PASSING. IT'S YOU PASSING. is the third and maybe last exhibition in the former apartment of Ilse Tauchert and shows works from Peter Freitag, Annemarie Laber and Alexander Steffen as well as Ilse Tauchert's works. All artists create in their works picturespaces and spaces for associations that broach the issue of void, absence or past.
private gallery – Ilse Tauchert
Potsdamer Straße 98, 1. HH li, 4. OG, 10785 Berlin
opening hours:
Sat 15.11. & Sun 16.11., 13:00 h – 19:00 h
and by appointment